WheatSecurity - Identifying and deploying wheat genetic diversity to enhance the resilience and security of the European food supply


WheatSecurity aims to enhance sustainability, security and nutritional quality of one of the most important sources of human calories, wheat.

We will demonstrate how the cultivation of a broader genetic diversity of wheat across the EU under sustainable, reduced and optimized nitrogen (N) management regimes can benefit agrobiodiversity, food quality and security. Genotype- ecosystem interaction studies under sustainable nutrient management regimes (such as reduced/optimized N and biological inputs) will reveal useful, functional variation for effectively increasing biogeographic adaptation, resilience to drought and lower fertilisation inputs, disease resistance, nutritional quality and beneficial microbiome and biostimulant colonization as a measure of agrobiodiversity.

Udfører/hovedansøger Københavns Universitet
Øvrige samarbejdspartnere HORTIADVICE SCANDINAVIA A/S
Projektets samlede budget DKK 2.495.160,00
Bevillingsstørrelse tildelt DKK 2.213.280,00