The goal is to facilitate an increase the grown area of organic ware potatoes by 50% (1.939 to 3000 ha) as well as increase in the yield by up to 50% (200 to 300 hkg/ha). Secondly, to enable production of starch potatoes with stable level and quality of organic starch as this has been a barrier for production of organic starch to a growing demand in the organic food industry. The barriers for increasing the organic area and the quality of tubers is related to low yields and low tuber quality issues due to infection by plant diseases. It is primarily late blight (LB) and tuber blemish diseases (TBD) that are the cause of the poor yields and poor skin finish, respectively. The diseases are causing early senescence resulting in low levels and variable quality of starch in the starch potatoes. The project will gain new knowledge to optimize the efficacy of biological control agents (BCA) and management practices under field conditions. We will assess and characterise variety resistance, the current population of Phytophthora infestans (Pi) threatening the potato crop, and analyze the impact of different strategies of using biologicals to prevent or mitigate severe attacks by LB and TBD. We will engage all stakeholders along the potato values chain right from the beginning of the project. The results will be disseminated to end-users via demonstrations, open-field days, project seminars, and publications in growers journals as well as in scientific journals.