Low feed efficiency combined with the use of local protein sources increase nutrient losses and compromise farm economic resilience. ORIGIN addresses these challenges by developing compound feed lysine standards specifically aimed at organic growingfinishing pigs. This, by establishing the physiological requirements, counterbalancing the protein contribution from roughage, and considering the increased energy requirements from thermoregulation and locomotive activity. Organic digestible lysine standards representing the best possible compromise in terms of productivity and environmental considerations will be developed and an on-farm digital anagement tool with standards and protein prices will be developed and demonstrated. ORIGIN provides new knowledge on ¿ Physiological requirements of lysine in organic growing-finishing pigs in 3 intervals; 30-50 kg, 50-85 kg, and 85-110 kg ¿ Effect of lysine level on N utilization and emissions of GHG from organic growing-finishing pigs ¿ Use of nutritional standards that combines physiological requirements with real-time prices on organic protein sources under commercial conditions. The new standards combined with the digital tool are expected to reduce the N leaching by 377 g /pig and improve the farm economy by 20-30 DKK/pig. www.orgprints.org