Mother-bonded calf rearing in organic dairy farming


The fact that calves are separated from their mother 24 hrs. after birth is an obvious dilemma in organic dairy herds.

It deprives both of the possibilities of interaction, learning, care, and natural behavior. It violates the ecological principles, the trustworthiness and credibility of organic farming, and society's expectations to good animal welfare, but has been accepted practice, referring to the need for milk for human consumption. Consumers and citizens have increasingly expressed concern and awareness of this dilemma. Swiss, Dutch, German and Scandinavian pioneer farmers have shown its practical feasibility. This project seeks to solve the dilemma through the development of new robust and innovative stable systems for Danish conditions. They will support more natural life, better health of cows and calves through late weaning of calves, which can stay with their mothers during the milk feeding period (3 mths.). Aarhus University (ANIS & AGRO), Thise Dairy, Naturmælk and Organic Denmark participate in this project, which is based on on-farm studies and combines applied research and development, ensuring constant end-user involvement. Knowledge regarding gentle separation, housing system development and healthpromoting care, is generated to enable cow-calf systems in a safe and sustainable way, with the greatest possible benefit in terms of healthy animals, high animal welfare and product quality, good economy and trustworthiness regarding the organic principles.

Udfører/hovedansøger Aarhus Universitet
Øvrige samarbejdspartnere Økologisk Landsforening
Projektets samlede budget DKK 5.288.360,00
Bevillingsstørrelse tildelt DKK 4.467.600,00